Are you facing challenging conflicts or disputes?

Let us accompany you on this journey with our mediation services, rooted in Catholic values, to guide you towards swift and effective resolutions, without the need for costly legal battles. Here’s how we can support you:

1. Conflict Resolution: As experienced mediators, we specialize in fostering productive dialogue and helping parties find common ground to reach mutually beneficial agreements. Our goal is to empower you to regain control over your situation.

2. Impartiality: Our role is to ensure fairness and equity throughout the mediation process. We maintain a neutral stance, creating a safe and balanced environment for all parties involved.

3. Cost-Effective Solutions: Mediation is often more cost-effective than pursuing legal action. We aim to save you time, money, and emotional stress by offering an efficient alternative to court proceedings.

4. Customized Agreements: Unlike court-imposed decisions, mediation allows for personalized agreements tailored to your unique needs and circumstances, ensuring outcomes that align with your best interests.

5. Preserving Relationships: Mediation fosters open communication and collaboration, preserving relationships strained by contentious litigation.

6. Confidentiality: Your discussions during mediation remain confidential, safeguarding sensitive matters from becoming public knowledge.

7. Legal Guidance: While we do not provide legal advice, we can help you navigate the legal aspects of your situation and guide you through the negotiation process.

8. Family Focus: Understanding the importance of family harmony, our mediation services prioritize the well-being of all family members, especially children.

9. Workplace Mediation: We assist in resolving conflicts between employees or between employees and employers, fostering a harmonious work environment.

10. Community Mediation: Our services extend to addressing disputes within neighborhoods or community organizations, promoting harmony and cooperation.

At Marla Fernandez Mediation Services, we are dedicated to finding practical, amicable solutions to your conflicts. Let us accompany you through the mediation process and pave the way for a brighter future. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards resolution.”

Empowering Your Resolution Journey:
Crafting Mediation Success

Are you ready for a clear path to resolution, customized just for you? I bring the magic to the table by crafting the rules that guide our mediation dance, and then you seal the deal with your signature.

Let’s talk rules – the unsung heroes of a successful mediation. They’re not just lines on paper; they’re the threads that weave your path to resolution. I’m here to set those rules in stone within the mediation agreement.

What’s on the rulebook? We’re talking about opening the doors to our session with open minds and hearts. It’s all about that welcoming attitude that’s ready to find common ground. We’ll embrace privacy like a dear friend – because what’s discussed in mediation stays in mediation. No detective work, no snooping around.

Now, here’s a fun twist: you won’t catch me under the subpoena spotlight! Yup, the mediator and their records are off-limits. Why? Because this mediation is about you, your needs, and your success story – no distractions allowed.

And let’s not forget the trump card – full disclosure. Imagine a poker game where everyone’s cards are on the table. In our case, it’s information – all the relevant bits that fuel your journey towards resolution. No secrets, no hidden agendas – just honesty and a level playing field.

Now, the real magic? Turning this mediation into a win-win masterpiece. Your victory isn’t just about numbers; it’s about creating an outcome that satisfies all sides. I’m the architect of this win-win bridge, where resolution thrives, and disputes become stepping stones to progress.

Growing up, my parents divorced when I was 7 years old. Conflict and tension permeated our home, particularly when my father fled and hid from my mother for a year. His absence left a significant void in my heart, and I felt as though he had deserted me. This personal experience drives my passion for mediation, as I understand firsthand the impact of unresolved conflicts on individuals and families.

Furthermore, I understand marriage deeply, as I’ve been married for 20 years. Three years ago, our marriage hit a bump in the road. I struggled to communicate with my husband and get him to see eye to eye with me on almost every issue. I felt like I was being sucked in by an undertow, desperately trying to swim out of it. However, God heard my cry and pulled me out, helping me realize the root cause of my conflict. I was ready to listen to His will. I recollected myself, prayed without ceasing, and had a heart-to-heart conversation with God. He transformed me right before my eyes. I needed to surrender myself to Him, trust in Him, be obedient to His will, and submit myself to Him. Through detachment, prayer, and humility, I found the strength to navigate through the challenges in my marriage.

So, here’s the deal: I’m your mediator, your rule-setter, your guide to a successful resolution. Let’s craft a mediation experience that’s tailor-made for you, a journey where success is written in every rule and etched in every signature. Ready to step onto this path of empowerment? Let’s make this a win-win mediation for the books.


What Clients Are Saying

Marla is a beacon of positivity and persistence on her journey of self-discovery and faith. With an unwavering commitment to growth and a radiant spirit, Marla navigates life's challenges with grace and determination. Follow her inspiring path as she embraces each opportunity for reflection and transformation, inspiring others to embrace positivity and pursue their dreams with unwavering persistence.

Daniel Johnson

Marla is a mediation powerhouse whose unique blend of skills—ideation, inclusivity, learner, positivity, and control—transforms conflict into opportunity. With her boundless positivity and relentless pursuit of learning, Marla creates an inclusive space where diverse perspectives converge to craft innovative and mutually beneficial solutions. Her unwavering control guides discussions with precision and fairness, ensuring every voice is heard and valued. Join Marla on a journey of resolution, where challenges become stepping stones to harmony and growth.

Julia Michele

"Marla's exceptional customer service surpassed all my expectations! Her positivity and relentless commitment to inclusivity made me feel truly valued and heard throughout the mediation process. Her innovative approach and willingness to learn ensured that we found a solution that worked for everyone involved. With Marla at the helm, navigating through difficult conversations felt effortless, and I left feeling empowered and satisfied. Thank you, Marla, for your outstanding service and unwavering dedication to your clients!"

Robert Green

"Working with Marla has been an absolute pleasure. Her customer service skills are top-notch, and she always goes above and beyond to ensure a positive experience. Marla is not only incredibly knowledgeable and skilled in mediation but also chatty and sweet, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. She has a way of making you feel good even in challenging situations. Her commitment to inclusivity and innovative problem-solving truly sets her apart. I highly recommend Marla for anyone seeking effective and compassionate mediation services."

Oliver Goodman

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