“Colorado’s Comprehensive Sex Ed Bill: What You Need to Know”

Why I Choose Homeschooling: Navigating Colorado's New Sexuality Education Law

Hey there, fellow parents and education enthusiasts! Today, I want to dive deep into a topic that’s been causing quite a stir in Colorado – the state’s recent changes to comprehensive human sexuality education. But let’s not just skim the surface; let’s get into the nitty-gritty of why these changes might have some families, including mine, seriously considering homeschooling.

Content Requirements and the ‘Abstinence Shift’: Now, don’t get me wrong; we all want our kids to have a well-rounded understanding of sexuality. But the new law asks public schools to shift away from emphasizing abstinence as the primary preventive method. As a parent, this has me thinking – is it wrong to want my child to value abstinence as a choice? If you’re nodding along, homeschooling might be worth considering.

Inclusivity vs. Personal Values: While inclusivity is vital, the law mandates that instruction should avoid gender stereotypes and embrace the health needs of LGBTQ+ individuals. This is where it gets tricky. Not all families align with these mandates. Homeschooling offers the freedom to tailor education to your family’s unique values.

Pregnancy Options – Who Decides?: The law lets public schools off the hook when it comes to teaching about pregnancy outcomes. But if they do, they must cover all options. As a parent, I believe it’s my role to decide when and how my child learns about these sensitive topics. Homeschooling empowers parents to maintain control over these discussions.

The Bureaucracy Factor: With the introduction of a grant program and oversight entity, we see more government involvement in our kids’ education. While well-intentioned, it might leave you wondering whether homeschooling is the way to reclaim control over your child’s curriculum.

Budgeting for Change: Allocating $1,000,000 from the general fund to implement these changes in 2019-20 raises questions about whether these resources could be better used elsewhere in education. Every parent wants their child to receive a top-notch education, and how our tax dollars are spent matters.

Null and Void – Upholding the Law of Nature: In conclusion, this law’s overreach infringes upon the sacred rights of parents to raise and train their children in morality. It goes against the Law of Nature, where parents are the primary educators of their offspring. The choice to homeschool is a stand for parental rights, values, and the deeply rooted belief that families should have the ultimate say in their children’s education.

So, here’s the deal – education should be a personal journey, tailored to your family’s values. The recent changes in Colorado’s approach to sexuality education have led many of us to consider homeschooling as a way to ensure our kids’ education aligns with our beliefs. It’s about choice, my friends, and the power to decide what’s best for your child’s future.