Embracing Life’s Chapters: A Journey of Transformation and Advocacy

Embracing Life's Chapters: A Journey of Transformation and Advocacy

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Empower Change through Mediation and Conflict Resolution!

We’re on a mission to find individuals who are ready to ignite change, leave a lasting impact, and educate caregivers and educators about the transformative power of mediation and conflict resolution in breaking the cycle of conflicts and disputes in the United States.

You don’t need to be a mediation expert; all you need is the burning desire, unwavering determination, and self-discipline to make a difference. Join us on this journey of empowerment!

Empowering Change: Breaking the Cycle of Illiteracy

By Marla Benavides

More than 30 million American adults struggle with reading and writing beyond a 3rd-grade level. This issue traces back to progressive educational reforms dating back to the 1920s, which phased out intensive phonics programs. In 1985, phonics was entirely eliminated from the curriculum, and it’s only given token attention when concerned parents inquire. This crisis perpetuates itself, as statistics show that children of parents with low literacy skills are 72% more likely to follow the same path.

Adding to the complexity, 25% of American families live in poverty. Legislation alone won’t eradicate poverty, especially when many lack the reading skills needed to improve their economic situation. Fortunately, this is America, the land of opportunity, where lack of formal education doesn’t mean you’re stuck.

So, how do we break this cycle?

First, we need to return to the original intent of our founding fathers’ vision for education, which included teaching religion, morality, and knowledge. Reading, writing, and arithmetic should revolve around these core values. This entails teaching phonetic and grammar rules, enabling children to become literate in reading and numbers. Fancy programs and teaching licenses aren’t prerequisites for teaching reading. While programs like “Teach Your Monster to Read” aid in phonetic development, they aren’t mandatory.

So, what can you do?

Empower Yourself and Transform Communities Through Mediation!

Are you ready to take charge of your financial future and make a meaningful impact in your community by helping families break free from the cycle of poverty? Join our mission, and you’ll discover that it’s about more than just mediating conflicts; it’s about advocating for change.

Our primary focus is on mediating disputes while changing lives, especially those of children. No prestigious degree is required for success and financial prosperity, but having financial literacy is crucial. We’re here to empower you with the knowledge and tools to manage your financial affairs because your real wealth is found in education.

What does this mean for you? It means that if you’re willing to adapt, keep an open mind, and commit to continuous learning, you’ll find yourself growing richer despite any challenges life throws your way. Don’t merely work for money; work to expand your knowledge. You can maintain your day job while building financial independence with our unwavering support.

All it takes is self-discipline and hard work. If you possess these qualities, then success is well within your reach. Join us today, and together, we’ll explore a world of possibilities through our mission. Your support and donations will help us continue our vital work in communities across the nation.


  • See Education Week November 2019 Special Report for stats and “Why Johnny Can’t Read” for the history of Literacy wars in this country.