Empowering Parents: Ensuring Quality Education Through Choice

Empowering Parents: Ensuring Quality Education Through Choice

Addressing the Crisis in Education: Empowering Students for Success

In our current education system, a dire literacy and moral crisis looms large. Government-run schools are struggling to provide our students with the fundamental building blocks of education: reading, writing, and arithmetic. This deficiency places an unjust burden on students, impeding their ability to compete on a level playing field in the workforce.

Regrettably, there is currently no effective recourse for parents or students who believe that government schools have fallen short in delivering a quality education. Pursuing a claim against a school for negligence in providing basic instruction is an uphill battle, often fraught with insurmountable challenges. Even if such legal action were to prevail, the damage inflicted upon the child, including the loss of precious time and educational opportunities, may prove exceptionally difficult to mend.

It is of utmost importance that we confront this crisis head-on and endeavor to devise a solution that guarantees every child receives the education they deserve.

Empowering Parents: The Right to Choose and Hold Schools Accountable

Inherent in parenthood is the right to nurture and educate one’s children according to their unique needs and values. When a parent believes their child has been misdiagnosed, unfairly evaluated, or inadequately educated, they should have the freedom to choose an educational institution that better aligns with their child’s requirements. Moreover, taxpayer funding should follow the child, providing financial support for the school, whether public or private, that the parent deems most suitable.

Our utmost priority should be to empower parents, enabling them to make informed decisions in the best interest of their child’s education. When parents find themselves in disagreement with the educational plans proposed by government schools, they should have the legal means to seek recourse under the Colorado Tort Act for instances of negligence. Alternatively, under Colorado Contract law, parents should possess the option to address grievances. The central objective should always be to enhance the quality of a child’s education, recognizing that parents act as their children’s natural representatives until they reach the age of contractual consent at 18. Consequently, parents should retain the right to initiate legal action against a school for damages resulting from a breach of contract, especially when a child has missed essential educational opportunities.

Empowering Parents: Shaping Education to Reflect Family Values

A robust education serves as the cornerstone of civic participation in America, empowering individuals to engage in self-governance and hold elected officials accountable. It is also the key to workforce success and societal contribution. Parents cherish distinct educational values that reflect their beliefs, and government schools should honor these values rather than compromising the Judeo-Christian-Muslim way of life—an existence characterized by virtuous living free from excessive worldly influences. To this end, it is imperative that the state reevaluates and revises the Science of Reading standard, making Phonics First the bedrock of proper reading education, while also repealing the Comprehensive Sex Act.

While the importance of preparing children for the modern world is widely accepted by parents, both academically and socially, many Colorado schools are overstepping their boundaries by introducing subjects that the majority of parents vehemently oppose. Unfortunately, Colorado schools are falling short in fulfilling their academic responsibilities, resulting in a growing number of parents withdrawing their children from public schools.



In conclusion, the fundamental right of parents to shape their children’s education and secure their future is a cornerstone of our society. It is a right deeply rooted in the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. By recognizing and legislating parents’ rightful claim to their child’s educational funding, we not only empower families to choose the educational path that aligns with their values but also uphold the core principles upon which our nation was founded.

The Supreme Court’s stance on the government’s inability to withhold funds based solely on religious affiliations of private schools reaffirms our commitment to providing equal educational opportunities for all. It is, therefore, our duty to act decisively and bring an end to government-run educational monopolies. In their place, we must create a genuine educational marketplace where students can thrive, free from academic setbacks, and where parents regain the authority to shape their children’s educational destinies.

Let us stand together, recognizing the importance of this mission, and work tirelessly to ensure that every child receives the education they deserve. By doing so, we not only secure our children’s futures but also uphold the values upon which our great nation was built.