“Adventures in Politics: A Humorous Tale” – A Lesson on How Learning to Sew Makes You a Worthy Wife

The Seamstress's Wisdom: Crafting a Worthy Life

From Psalm 31

“Adventures in Politics: A Humorous Tale” – A Lesson on How Learning to Sew Makes You a Worthy Wife

The words of Lemuel, king of Massa,* the instruction his mother taught him:

“What are you doing, my son!” she said with care, “What are you doing, son of my womb, so rare; What are you doing, son of my vows so true, In this grand tapestry of life, so vibrant and so new?

Lesson 1: The Start of a Seamstress’s Journey

“Do not give your vigor to women,” she imparted her lore, “Or your strength to those who’d lead kings to a treacherous shore. It is not for kings, Lemuel, to follow paths unknown, For strength lies in mastering skills, making your talents shone.”

Lesson 2: The Thread of Moderation

“Not for kings is the drink of wine,” she wisely declared, “Strong drink is not for princes, lest wisdom be impaired. In sewing, let your hands be steady, your focus always keen, For in measured stitches and careful cuts, true mastery is seen.”

Lesson 3: Crafting Compassion and Empathy

“But give strong drink to the perishing,” she continued her theme, “And to the embittered, offer wine, like a soothing dream. When they drink, they may find solace and respite, Just as in sewing, where every stitch brings delight.”

Lesson 4: A Needle for Justice and Advocacy

“Open your mouth,” she said with conviction, “In behalf of the mute, bring benediction. For the rights of the destitute, let your voice resound, Defend the needy and the poor, let justice be found.”

So, my daughter, in this wisdom, take your place, In the realm of sewing, with patience and grace. In your heart, let compassion forever endure, And in your craft, let love and justice be pure.

For in the art of sewing, like life’s diverse trails, You’ll find strength, purpose, and stories to unveil. As a worthy wife, with skills honed and sewn, You’ll craft a life of love, in the seeds you’ve sown.