Navigating the Intersection of Local Control, Parental Rights, and Education

The Case for Local Control: Addressing Educational Malpractice and Breach of Contract Concerns

Sept. 12, 2023 — By Marla Fernandez, Literacy Expert

In recent years, the debate surrounding the funding and control of public schools has grown increasingly contentious. Some propose defunding public schools and returning control to the local level as a solution, but this shift also raises concerns about potential educational malpractice and breach of contract. Let’s explore these challenges within the broader context of local control in education.

Local Control and Community Values

The idea of local control hearkens back to the roots of American education, where schools were community-based institutions. This system allowed for flexibility and responsiveness to each community’s unique needs and values. In practice, local control can promote a sense of ownership and accountability among parents, teachers, and local leaders.

The Pitfalls of Centralization

However, as education became more centralized over time, states and the federal government assumed control over funding and standards. While this centralized approach aimed to standardize education and ensure equitable access, it also brought challenges.

A One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Centralized education often results in a one-size-fits-all approach that doesn’t always meet the diverse needs of communities. Returning control to the local level allows communities to tailor their educational programs, fostering a more responsive, efficient, and effective system.

Local Control and Accountability

Local control can foster accountability and transparency. When parents and community members have a direct say in school governance, they can hold educators and administrators accountable for their decisions. This level of involvement can lead to better outcomes for students.

The Concerns: Educational Malpractice and Breach of Contract

Critics of centralized education raise concerns about educational malpractice and breach of contract. With centralized control, there’s a risk that the government may not provide adequate education, potentially leading to lawsuits and contractual disputes.

Addressing Concerns with Safeguards

To address these concerns, a middle ground must be found. A hybrid model can allow for local control while maintaining essential standards and safeguards at the state levels. This way, there isn’t a third party organization trying to overstep teachers, parents, politicians authority in education and can be addressed through oversight, ensuring that all students receive at the very least, a basic education.

Equity and Fair Funding

Furthermore, returning control to the local level must be accompanied by a fair funding model to prevent educational disparities. Equity concerns can be addressed through thoughtful local policies that implement low cost admission costs at the individual school, rather than relying on property taxes.


The debate over defunding public schools and returning control to the local level is multifaceted. While federal control has the potential to empower communities and promote accountability, it must be approached thoughtfully to mitigate the risk of educational malpractice and breach of contract. Our goal should be to provide a basic education that prepares every child for life-long learning while upholding the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Balancing Local Control and Parental Rights in Education

In the ongoing debate about the control and funding of public schools, a critical concern is often overlooked: the potential infringement on parental rights. Advocates for union control argue for more government control at the state and federal level, while critics worry about the potential for parental rights infringement. Let’s delve into this complex issue to find a balance that respects both local control and parental rights.

Local Control’s Potential for Infringement

Local control in education empower communities to shape their school systems according to their values and needs. Moreover, this autonomy could lead to situations gives parents the freedom to guide their children’s education.

The Role of Parents in Education

Parents play a pivotal role in their children’s life, from nurturing to raising and training their children emotionally, mentally, physically, and representing them until they come of age. Parents’ rights to direct the upbringing and education of their children have been upheld by courts and recognized as fundamental and absolute.

Concerns About Curriculum and Values

One of the central concerns is that state and federal control might result in curriculum decisions that clash with the values and beliefs of parents and infringe on local control. This misalignment could lead to conflicts between educators, politicians, parents, and the community.

Balancing Local Control and Parental Rights

To strike a balance between state and federal control and parental rights, it’s essential to establish clear guidelines and safeguards:

  1. Transparency: School districts must maintain transparency in their decision-making processes. Parents should have access to curriculum materials and the ability to provide feedback on sensitive topics.

  2. Parental Involvement: Encourage parental involvement in school governance, curriculum development, and decision-making processes. Schools can benefit from the insights and perspectives of engaged parents.

  3. Opt-Out Provisions: Implement opt-out provisions for controversial topics or materials. This allows parents to make informed choices about their children’s education while still respecting local control.

  4. Mediation and Resolution: Create mechanisms for resolving disputes between schools and parents regarding curriculum and values. Mediation can help find common ground and avoid protracted legal battles.

Empowering Parents and Communities

Ultimately, the goal should be to empower parents and communities while maintaining educational standards and equal opportunity. By ensuring that state and federal control respects parental rights and values, we can create a system that reflects the diverse needs and perspectives of our society.


The debate over state and federal control and parental rights infringement in education underscores the complexity of the issue. Striking the right balance state and local autonomy and parental rights is a challenging but necessary task. It requires thoughtful policies, open dialogue, and a commitment to ensuring that all individuals have a voice in shaping our children’s education.