Challenges and Concerns in Modern Education

Challenges and Concerns in Modern Education

"As of 2020, over 3 million Americans reached the 12th grade without achieving basic reading proficiency."

Written in 2020

It’s evident that even under our current administration, President Trump has faced challenges in his efforts to address educational issues like the Common Core and federal involvement in education. Political distractions, such as impeachment proceedings, have hindered substantial change. Even if he secures victories, there’s a persistent desire among some to discredit him, as exemplified by Pelosi’s words about “fumigation.”

The purpose of this blog post isn’t to initiate political debates but to prompt reflection on the messages we encounter in the media. It’s essential to take a moment to contemplate these messages and seek guidance through prayer before adopting a particular narrative. Media is an incredibly powerful tool in society, influencing us in countless ways through online content, television broadcasts, and social media. Sometimes, we may unknowingly align ourselves with trends that subtly suggest questionable behaviors.

I encourage you to approach this post with an open mind and consider the impact of media on our beliefs and actions.

May you be blessed,

Marla Fernandez

Question: Have you stopped to think about what the future of education will look like?

Answer: I have, and it’s crucial to consider what lies ahead for education. The blending of American education standards with UN standards and the pandemic’s impact on cultural norms and morals raise significant concerns.

Indeed, it’s essential to contemplate what the future of education might entail. The convergence of American education standards with UN standards has raised concerns for many, including myself. The pandemic has also highlighted how cultural norms and morals can be manipulated and influenced in the realm of education.

The UN's Influence on Global Education

A year ago, I came across an article in the New American Magazine’s special edition titled “Rescue Our Children.” It shed light on the UN’s plan for a single-world order and its implications for our children’s education. The UN envisions a globalized model of learning, where all children worldwide will be taught the same curriculum. Initially, this idea seemed unbelievable to me, but as a well-trained paralegal, I delved into the research, scrutinized policy dates, and analyzed media messages.

In essence, this future points to a shift towards “Social-Emotional Learning,” essentially a globalized approach that transfers the power of raising children from parents to schools. This shift encompasses aspects from mental health to sexuality and nutrition.

President Trump has taken a stance against this push for globalization, actively resisting various changes. If you observe the negative media narratives, you’ll notice our leaders embracing values aligned with a global agenda.

My question to you is simple: Do you agree with the idea of a single, one-world community? If you delve into the UN Declaration on Human Rights, particularly the section on education, you’ll see that the future of U.S. education is headed towards “globalization and indoctrination on an amplified scale.” Government schools, following UN regulations, risk transforming our children into “unthinking cogs,” leaving true education in the past.

My advice is straightforward: seize the opportunity presented by this pandemic to consider alternatives, such as starting a “pandemic homeschool pod” rather than relying solely on government-controlled schools.

Take time to reflect on the messages in media today, and make your choices wisely. Personally, I believe in providing my child with a solid education that fosters independent thinking and a strong connection to God. I disagree with the current trends of emotionalism and post-modernism, particularly in schools’ pursuit of addressing systemic racism, removing police, implementing mandatory social justice curricula, and replacing traditional American values with this social justice agenda.

Impact of Social-Emotional Learning on Parental Roles

This year, our state government declared that Colorado is a “Science of Reading” state. While I want to believe that we value teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic, the reality is different. The social justice curriculum takes precedence, and UN values such as social justice, values clarification, and fuzzy math have replaced traditional education.

If you visit the UN website and explore the Universal Declaration, read Article 29, which states that rights and privileges should not be used contrary to the United States’ purposes and principles. Then, scroll up to Article 26, which emphasizes that education shall further the United Nations’ activities. We witness this plan manifest not only in schools but also in marketing and media publicity. Currently, this agenda is unfolding within our education system, eroding our understanding of God-given rights and imparting UN-granted rights that can be revoked at will.

Last year, my state passed the sex education bill, which promotes the UN’s plan to support LGBTQ rights, replace nationalism with open borders or “global citizenship,” and turn children into promoters of the Green New Deal or “sustainable development.”

The influence of this agenda extends to social media, where you can observe efforts to promote “world humanism,” also known as the “UNESCO agenda.” According to Julian Hexley, its purpose is to foster a one-world culture. This assault on rugged individualism traces back to John Dewey’s vision, detailed in the book “Doomed To Fail” by Paul A. Zoch. Dewey’s ideas seem to align with Huxley’s philosophy, aiming to instill specific attitudes and values in children, regardless of parental preferences. This approach circumvents parents’ rights to educate their children as they see fit.

For those well-versed in reading, skimming the UNESCO document from 1947 to the present reveals a consistent theme: shaping our children to be responsible global citizens. Moral law, rooted in natural law, reflects the God-given ability to use reason to discern right from wrong. Understanding and applying the Ten Commandments are essential aspects of making moral decisions. I believe that God is calling me to pursue moral truth.

Struggles in the Fight Against Common Core

The current BLM movement has indeed sparked various changes and amplified the concept of a World Core Curriculum. Another emerging movement, “Kids Lives Matter,” aims to reshape the futures of children born into poverty. Essentially, it promotes a core public service that helps children become well-rounded individuals capable of handling personal experiences while contributing to the greater whole. This whole-child education approach appears to encourage a group-oriented mindset. President Obama’s tenure furthered the UN vision in this regard.

Lastly, the reason President Trump was elected is that many smart Americans recognized the UN’s vision becoming a reality. During the Obama Administration, the US Government took steps closer to adopting globalized education standards. The Secretary of Education under Obama referred to UNESCO as his global partner and openly discussed using education as a “weapon” to shape children into green and global citizens. The Common Core, implemented in all public schools across the country, reflects the UN’s educational vision. President Reagan is celebrated as one of the greatest Presidents of the 20th Century for ending US participation in this agency.

Last year, equity became a focal point in our public school system. Initially, I wondered what they meant by equity. It turns out that equity translates to “Education for all.” However, education, under the banner of equity, is being utilized to influence our children’s attitudes and promote sustainable development. Education is viewed as the key to achieving a global utopia. Democrat-progressives advocate for a single-world government. On the surface, equity seems to encompass eliminating gender inequality, reducing poverty, creating a sustainable planet, and fostering peace. While these goals may appear noble, they align with the UN’s vision of a global society.

The Push for Equity in Schools

Embedded at the core of education is the UNESCO and Common Core demand that reading be taught using the “whole word” or “sight” method. Interestingly, this method was debunked as quackery by Boston School Teachers as far back as the 1840s.

In a significant development, in 2004, Bill Gates signed a formal agreement with UNESCO to globalize education. What’s particularly noteworthy is that he personally signed this agreement to align with the UN agenda, accelerating the vision to globalize education through information technology. The advent of COVID-19 has further propelled the vision to globalize education through technology, effectively bypassing teachers in the classroom.

Empowering Parents in Education

Even though President Trump withdrew from UNESCO, the Common Core remains constant, and his administration is trying to push back on the policies promoted by the previous one, spanning everything from sexualization and globalization. Everything is coming together under COVID-19. This new trend in Social-Emotional Learning is a full-service community school model funded by the federal government to replace parents. The solution is to redress the past wrongs of black people in the name of “equity.” What leaders are proposing is to hire more black teachers, enforce a mandatory history with a social justice curriculum, hire more counselors, and invest in SEL. The result is to put themselves in charge of every aspect of your child’s life and well-being, from food and nutrition, all the way down to dental and mental health. The propaganda being moved is for parents to be “equal partners” alongside the government in child-rearing.

It is clear that even under our current Administration, President Trump has his hands tied. He has been trying to kill the Common Core and get the feds out of education, but nothing substantial has changed because he has been bombarded with B.S. impeachment for four years. And even if he wins, the left wants to “fumigate” him. That was Pelosi’s own words. We need to break the Deep State and globalists.

We need to fight this. What you need to do is demand that your lawmakers abolish the U.S. Department of Education. We need to pass H.R. 899 a bill introduced in 2019 to get the feds out of the education sector altogether.

Take advantage of these school lock-downs to protect your children and find your homeschooling groups — aka. “pandemic pods” — and start educating your children at home. I highly recommend you join the Classical Conversations community–give your kids a better education and teach them to think critically. Teach your kids real history, not this made-up thing called, “social justice” curriculum.

A Glimpse into Online Courses and Globalization

Over the past two years, I’ve witnessed this phenomenon in the online courses I’ve taken. This curriculum is integrated into online life coaching courses, and it represents a peculiar and troubling example of efforts to globalize education. Robert Muller, a UN Assistant, is credited with developing this concept, which aims to eradicate not only Christianity but also principles of individual liberty and self-government—the very essence of our American way of life.

The Quest for a Global Utopia

The objective is to establish a global utopia, uniting the world under a single system. The idea is that we are all citizens of the world. Do you agree with the notion of being a citizen of the world? Personally, I don’t, as it doesn’t align with the vision of our founding fathers. Our freedom comes from the fact that God endowed us with freedom first, and government came afterward.