Unveiling the Truth: The Disturbing Reality of American Public School

"Shocking Revelation: The Dark Secrets of American Public Schools Exposed!"

Once upon a time in the world of Facebook parties and home gatherings, I embarked on a mission to make reading an exciting adventure for kids. Little did I know that this journey would lead to a revelation that would leave me astonished.

Did you know that only 34% of 4th graders read proficiently? But wait for it, here’s the real shocker: a mere 32% of 8th graders read proficiently when they’re about to step into high school! It was a startling discovery, and what was even more perplexing was that most kids were graduating functionally illiterate.

But that’s not all, my friends. I delved deeper into the statistics, and guess what I found? At Denver Public Schools, the numbers matched the national statistics, but when the kids were locked down and masked, the numbers plummeted to a shocking 29%. It was a real eye-opener.

Now, here’s where things take a twist. Instead of focusing on improving literacy, Denver Public Schools decided to prioritize “equity.” But let me tell you, this equity wasn’t about boosting reading skills; it seemed more like a communist dream of controlling the population and brainwashing our kids, leaving them in the dark.

Let me share an analogy with you—a tale of the cave. Imagine people toiling away in the dark, obeying the king, working tirelessly day and night, but they’re essentially slaves to the outside world. Then, one day, someone discovers freedom and ventures out into the light. They’re awestruck by what they see. They can taste the sweet nectar of knowledge and independence.

But when they go back into the cave to tell everyone, something peculiar happens. The others can almost believe it, but they’re too afraid to leave their shackles behind. It’s as if they’ve become comfortable in their captivity, and the fear of the unknown keeps them in the dark.

And my friends, that’s precisely what’s happening in American public schools. It’s a situation where true learning and critical thinking are often overshadowed by agendas that seem more focused on control than on nurturing bright minds. But here, in our little reading community, we’re all about breaking free from those chains and empowering our kids with the light of knowledge.

So, let’s dive into the world of reading together and set sail on this fantastic adventure, where we cherish the value of true literacy and independent thinking. 📚✨


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