An Exploration of Shared Values: Pope Francis and the Communal Aspects of Communism


Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, has been a fervent advocate for social justice and compassion for the marginalized. While he does not endorse communism per se, one can draw parallels between certain Catholic social teachings and aspects of communism. This argument aims to explore these shared values and consider how they align in addressing societal inequalities.

ideas to be explored:

1. Emphasis on Social Justice:
•Pope Francis has consistently emphasized the importance of social justice in addressing economic disparities. Similarly, communism seeks to eliminate class distinctions and establish economic equality, rooted in a shared concern for the well-being of all members of society.
2. Solidarity and Compassion:
•Catholic social teachings stress the importance of solidarity and compassion for the less fortunate. Communism, in its ideal form, also aims to create a society where individuals collectively support one another, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the welfare of the community.
3. Critique of Capitalism:
•Both Pope Francis and communism offer critiques of certain aspects of capitalism, particularly when it leads to extreme wealth disparities. The Pope has spoken against a “throwaway culture” that marginalizes the poor, echoing concerns found in critiques of capitalism within certain strands of communist thought.
4. Communal Living Ideals:
•Early Christian communities, as described in the Acts of the Apostles, shared possessions and lived in common. While this communal living is rooted in religious history, it shares similarities with certain ideals of communism that advocate for communal ownership and shared resources.


In acknowledging the distinctions between Catholic social teachings and communism, it’s worth recognizing the shared emphasis on social justice, solidarity, and compassion. While Pope Francis does not advocate for communism as a political system, his teachings reflect a commitment to addressing societal inequalities and fostering a sense of collective responsibility for the well-being of all individuals.

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