From a solid foundation in education to a mediocre one…

Are you completely happy with the education your child is receiving? Do you wonder if your child’s school is doing enough?
🙋🙋🙋 I don’t know about you… But I answered yes! to these questions.
After reading this, please visit my blog and let me know.
After becoming a mom for the first time and quiting my career in law to stay home and trusting God with this next chapter in my life, I was forced to make radical changes, including moving to another state. But then, something surprising happened.
I discovered that I need to stop seeking the approval of people — and instead seek God’s approval.
This forced me to wonder about, “Why Johnny Can’t Read?” 🤔 (Btw, it’s a book Rudolph Flesch best-selling book) The teaching of reading –across the U.S., and in all 50 states — is totally wrong and flies in the face of all logic and common sense.
Then, as if God was guiding my way, I attended the homeschool convention and one of the vendors put my thoughts into motion. The vendor that got me thinking was by Ray Moore’s. Lt. Col. E . Ray Moore (retired), is the executive of Exodus Mandate. His mission in life now is to lead an “exodus” of Christians out of government school–public schools. He is an advocate for separating school and state. And he is a homeschool dad. He also served as executive producer of IndocriNation. In this video you will see how the leftists control the content of public schools and are propagandizing the children to their view. The video is very insightful and is filled with thought provoking interviews and research to help you further dig into why our schools are failing and why we will continue to see mediocrity in our schools literacy scores.
We have abandoned an intensive phonics approach to teaching reading on the basis of sounds, and in favor of the whole word method not a major reason for the deterioration of reading skill.
Watch the video.
Click here to watch video:
After you watch the video, I would love to hear from you. So please leave a comment.
What’s the biggest insight you’re taking away? What’s your “child’s educational need that hasn’t been filled through school” and what’s the one thing you could can do today to ensure your kids get it? Leave a comment and let me know
Today’s government schools are a major threat to the well-being of our children and they are a massive failure — at least from the standpoint of providing a good education that enable your kids to learn and think.
Here is some facts from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) releasing results in 2018 that an overwhelming majority of American children are not proficient in reading or math. In fact, about 2/3 of 8th graders in schools were ranked below proficient in reading or math on the governments report card. [Emphasis added]
8 out of 100 student were ranked proficient on either subject!
The results showed that 1/3 of eighth graders could be classified as proficient or above in reading. And the numbers in math are worse! And it’s even more alarming if you look at the results of 12th graders. 😮
But we need to wake up and realize that too many Johnnies not only do not know how to read — and write — with any degree of proficiency, but are also handicapped in their ability to add and subtract, or even apply their minds and think critically
In 1955, many more Johnnies were able to read proficiently.
Early education was typically a family affair.
What must we do?
We, Americans, need to demand that our law makers abolish the US Dept of Education by passing H.R. 899 and get the feds out of education sector all together.
It’s time we american’s take back our responsibility in raising our children and ensure that our kids our literate kids.
Please make the time to watch this one. Your kids deserve a solid foundation so they can easily continue their own education if they desired, using libraries.
As for me, I am opting out of government controlled public schools–I homeschool because I want my son to have a solid foundation. Not be indoctrinated.
Sending you all my love and praying your kids get a solid foundation, too.
P.S. I’m doing a Story Tamers Contest! If you’ve got a child that loves writing, flying, or just want a free book — I want to hear from them! Enter Contest here. And Share with your friends. thanks

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