Understanding the Multifacete Challenges to Students’ Mental Health by Marla Benavides blog post. 

Understanding the Multifaceted Challenges to Students' Mental Health by Marla Benavides blog post.

In the realm of K-12 education, the mental well-being of students is a critical concern. While a recent article delves into the perspectives of educators and high school students on factors affecting students’ mental health, it’s important to acknowledge that there are crucial missing viewpoints: parents and the perspective of the Church.
According to the article, educators, including teachers, principals, and district leaders, identify online bullying through social media and text as the most significant source of students’ mental distress. However, the picture changes when we listen to high school students themselves. Their primary concerns revolve around stress related to schoolwork and homework, followed closely by worries about their grades.
This discrepancy in perception between educators and students raises important questions about what truly influences students’ mental health and how we can address their needs effectively.
To complete this picture, we must also consider the viewpoints of parents, who play a pivotal role in students’ lives and well-being. Parents often have unique insights into their children’s struggles and worries, and understanding their perspectives can provide valuable input into crafting effective solutions to support students’ mental health.
Additionally, the Church’s perspective on this matter can be instrumental. The Church has historically been deeply involved in education and can offer insights into the spiritual and moral aspects of students’ well-being. Their guidance can be invaluable in shaping a holistic approach to address the challenges students face in today’s complex world.
In conclusion, while the article highlights the differing views of educators and students, we should recognize that there are additional voices in this conversation: parents and the Church. To gain a comprehensive understanding of what is truly harming students and how to support their mental health, we need to listen to all these perspectives and work collaboratively towards solutions that consider the multifaceted nature of this challenge.
Arianna Protherro

Arianna Protherro

Assistant Editor, EdWeek

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As a parent and homeschool educator, my perspective on the challenges affecting students’ mental well-being is multifaceted. I believe there are several key factors contributing to the stress and struggles that many students face today.
1. Lack of Purpose and Reflection: Many students, especially teenagers, often struggle with a lack of a clear sense of purpose or direction in life. They may find it challenging to reflect on their calling and what truly matters to them. This existential uncertainty can lead to heightened stress and anxiety.
2. Literacy and Critical Thinking: Another significant concern is the declining literacy levels among teens. Many students may not possess the necessary reading and critical thinking skills to understand and discern the information they encounter. This lack of prudence can make them susceptible to misinformation and confusion.
3. Ideological Indoctrination: The education system has been criticized for perpetuating certain ideologies that may skew students’ sense of justice and values. Exposure to one-sided perspectives and biases in the curriculum can contribute to ideological polarization and hinder students’ ability to engage in open, balanced discourse.
4. Lack of Virtue Education: While the modern education system focuses on academic subjects, there is often limited emphasis on character education and the development of virtues. This deficiency can lead students towards a life that may lack virtue and be more inclined towards vices and unethical behavior.
In addressing these concerns, it is essential to provide students with guidance and resources that foster a sense of purpose, critical thinking skills, exposure to diverse perspectives, and a focus on character development. As a homeschool educator, my aim is to create an educational environment that supports not only academic growth but also the holistic development of our children, equipping them with the tools they need to navigate the challenges of the modern world and lead virtuous lives.
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