Championing Freedom and Prosperity: A Call to Ban ESGs and Preserve Economic Fairness

Championing Freedom and Prosperity: A Call to Ban ESGs and Preserve Economic Fairness

8/27/2023 — Marla Fernandez, Activist and Writer

Hey there, let’s dive into a thought-provoking discussion! 🌟 We find ourselves teetering on the edge of an economic precipice, and I’ve got a proposal that might just spark your interest. What if we consider putting the brakes on ESGs? Now, before you raise an eyebrow, hear me out.

Klaus Schwab, the brain behind the World Economic Forum, introduced this ESG metric, and it’s been creating quite the stir. The arbitrary scoring system it’s founded on is adding an undue weight to an already overburdened global population. But guess what? There’s a remedy in sight, and it’s all about lightening the financial load.

ESGs, or Environmental Social Governance metrics, are making their rounds in China and beyond, seeping into our banking systems and influencing businesses worldwide. Yet, hold on a moment – isn’t it a tad unconstitutional in the land of the free? After all, businesses here have their own voice, their own say. That’s the essence of our nation’s principles, right? The intrusion of ESGs seems a bit like a dance with fascism – where the government takes center stage dictating business moves.

So, what’s the alternative? Picture this: a world where Coloradans and folks from every nook and cranny have fair access to credit. A world where banks can’t throw shade on businesses based on their industry. Instead, these institutions would be laser-focused on the financial realm. Sounds good, doesn’t it? This isn’t just wishful thinking; it’s a blueprint for a brighter financial landscape.

Let’s talk about ESGs, also known as Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism – a framework endorsed by the heavyweights like Bank of America and the Big Four accounting firms. There are metrics upon metrics, culminating in an ESG score that seems tailor-made for the “ruling class.” Divided into pillars, it dances around governance, planet, people, and prosperity. Admirable? Perhaps. But there’s a twist – it leans more towards championing social justice than rooting out corruption.

Now, imagine a world where a thriving, efficient company takes a backseat to one that ticks the diversity and carbon footprint boxes. It’s like a flip-flop in logic! What’s more, this transformation could be driven by government mandates or monetary incentives, often in the form of freshly minted cash. Investors clamoring for woke agendas enforced by law – sounds like a slogan straight out of a statist playbook, doesn’t it?

And here’s where it gets even more intriguing – the Reset movement, spearheaded by a Chinese figurehead, wants stricter reporting and regulations. But hold up, that’s not what our government’s about, is it? In the good ol’ USA, the government’s primary job is to safeguard individual rights – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, anyone?

So, here’s my pitch: let’s put the brakes on ESGs. By legislating a ban, we’re safeguarding thriving Colorado businesses, making sure they aren’t coerced into adopting these metrics that might not align with their goals.

Now, let’s circle back to the 14th Amendment – it’s all about equality and citizenship. It’s a pact that binds the states to the Constitution, ensuring everyone’s rights are respected. But with ESGs in play, we’re threatening these very rights – the right to happiness, to freedom from undue government control.

So, my fellow thinkers, I implore you: let’s rally at the state level and put an end to ESGs. Let’s stand up for the American dream, for individual freedom, and for a fair playing field where businesses can thrive without unnecessary burdens. Come January, let’s make a stance that resounds across the nation – ESGs, we’re putting you on pause. 🗽🚫

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