Urgent: Act Now to Save Our Economy – Ban ESGs!

Act Now to Save Our Economy: Ban ESGs and Protect Our Freedom

Sept. 10, 2023 — Marla Fernandez

We stand at the precipice of an economic collapse, and it’s high time we take decisive action. The solution? Banning ESGs (Environmental Social Governance) to alleviate the financial burden imposed by an arbitrary scoring system devised by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. This system places undue stress on an already overburdened global population.

ESG metrics are being enforced worldwide through our banking systems, including right here in the United States. It’s unconstitutional because it infringes on organizations’ free speech rights by coercing them into compliance with arbitrary standards. This is nothing short of fascism, where the government dictates what businesses can and cannot do.

Instead, we need to ensure that Coloradans, and every American, have fair access to credit. We must make it impossible for banks to discriminate against businesses based on their industry, thereby forcing financial institutions to focus solely on financial matters.

The time has come to ban ESG standards and reporting. These metrics, also known as ‘Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metric and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation’ (a book authored by Klaus Schwab), are based on 21 core metrics and 24 expanded metrics. Together, they create an ESG score that auditors use to evaluate a company’s alignment with the demands of the so-called ‘ruling class.’

These standards are divided into four pillars: governance, planet, people, and prosperity, and they primarily advance social justice causes rather than economic efficiency.

Let me paint a clear picture of what this means in practice. In a free-market system, a well-managed company with substantial profits, high employee and customer satisfaction, and quality products and services would be universally recognized. However, in the ESG world, this company might receive a lower rating than a less efficient competitor with lower profits and inferior products but adhering to ‘politically correct’ diversity ratios and carbon emissions targets.

This transformation is being driven by government mandates and the use of monetary incentives fueled by newly printed cash from central banks. Investors are demanding that the U.S. government forcefully impose their woke causes on companies, essentially making these ‘ideas so good, they are mandatory.’

Furthermore, the Chairman of the China Green Finance Committee has called for ESG standards to include ‘tighter reporting and regulation for companies’ to advance environmental goals. This is not only unconstitutional but contrary to the fundamental purpose of government in America, which is to protect individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

By legislating a ban on ESG, we safeguard Colorado businesses and protect them from being coerced into adopting these harmful standards.

Remember, the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution ensures that all citizens, regardless of state jurisdiction, are U.S. citizens. However, not everyone is automatically under the jurisdiction of the U.S. If your parents are foreign nationals, ambassadors, or diplomats, anchor babies can’t consent to be governed by U.S. law until they reach the contractual age. This clause exists to prevent individuals with allegiances to other countries from holding high offices.

ESGs threaten our freedom and our right to pursue happiness without government interference. Therefore, it’s crucial that we pass legislation at the state level to ban ESGs. Starting in January, no bank in Colorado (or any state) should be allowed to impose this fascist standard on any U.S. citizen or business. We must prevent our citizens from suffering losses they cannot afford in these challenging economic times. Act now to protect our economy and our freedoms!

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