
Fear Not: The Abortion Debate is Almost Over

BY:  CORY PARELLA — AUG. 27, 2022, 7:44 PM

Giving our nation’s founders some credit. They could start a riot in any century. 

Where’s Germany?
Europe forms.

America. An
experimental government based on the Bible, from Gutenberg and Tyndall to Steve
Jobs’s podcasting.    

Slavery. The Pope
declares Muslim slavery of Christians a sin in 810, but turns a blind eye to
Portuguese pirates kidnapping west Africans centuries later. 

Exploration. First
water, then sky.  

The Earth is Round.
These words got a person killed just 800 years ago.

Gender Power. Do we
really need a husband to own land and vote? 

Voter Integrity. I
can vote now. Does it count?

Abortion. The mom
of three grown children gets pregnant at 52 years old. Doctors warn her of the
risks. Decision time. 

Female Football
Referees. Bill Murray said it best in “Ghostbusters”, “Dogs and cats living
together, mass hysteria!” 

And, oh yeah,
Jazzercise vs Breakdancing. When these foes get heated, be elsewhere. 

What does any of
that have to do with Abortion?

In their given
century, each of these topics was enough of a basis to murder people, in public
reputation if not literally. Female referees? When she gets the call wrong,
watch Broncos fans riot. 

Europe took a thousand
years to finalize post-WWII boundaries and forge them into laws. Basing any
culture on Biblical values is contingent on the language of translation used.
Slavery is a financial powerhouse at the expense of a nation’s relationship
with God. And the muffs in global policy just get more ludicrous
from there, whether democracy-ruled, kings, communists or the Harper Valley
PTA. Human leadership invents ways to mess things up. (This is why we needed a

Imagine NASA
sending a time traveler with video of an Earthly orbit to any king in
11th-century Europe showing what our world looks like from space, (presuming
trust in what they see is established), imagine the consequences of a greater
understanding of the bigger-picture resulting from a broader line of

Yet as
well-intentioned, prideful, pompous people, we rush to judgment and draw
ignorant conclusions.  We condemn our prophets as crazy people and
worship celebrities for the most pointless acts. Somebody put Olympic gold
medalist Bruce Jenner on the cover of a magazine as Woman of the

Yet on our worst
day, when every evil man has ever conjured is on full display for the world to
suffer by, the blood of Jesus is still more powerful.

Did the Butthole
Surfers or the Insane Clown Posse sing a song you didn’t like? 

The blood of Jesus
is stronger. 

Did a sports team
defeat your favorite team, thus effecting your mood? The blood of Jesus is

Did unprovoked
tragedy befall you or your family?

The blood of Jesus
is stronger. 

Did someone make it
legal to deny fetuses life-sustaining nutrients?

The blood of Jesus
is stronger. 

I want you to
imagine a world without abortion, Imagine an era when life is considered
tremendously more valuable than death. Imagine a time when the idea of ending a
life would be considered the greatest financial tragedy, because we found a way
to make it economically feasible for all parties involved to benefit from the
baby’s preservation, whether he remains connected to the originating mother or

No more
restrictions of the impregnated female. No more premature babies crying until
their vital organs are separated. 

No more gay men
telling the world we have the right to end fetus breathing and gasping. That is
a direct shot at Jarod Polis. Our current governor is both incredibly popular
among current Democrats and former Republicans alike, his actions are textbook
hypocrite. And to be clear, the Word said it is God’s desire that all people be
“saved”. I hope Jarod Polis comes to know Jesus Christ at some point. Stranger
things have happened. Remember the fall of the Berlin Wall? We all thought it
would be from gunfire. Nope, David Hasselhoff and a crew from MTV. 

As you may have
heard, the abortion law of 1973 has been reversed in 2022 and there’s new
marching in the streets. We haven’t seen this much camera-eager posturing since
“Free Willy”.    

What are the
conflicts, again?

In case you’re
joining us late or you’re under the age of 10, the backstory is as follows.

Toward the climax
of the Great Immigration that resulted in overcrowded regions like what became
New York City, advocates like Margret Sanger decided on behalf of all humanity
that there were just too many black people in the world, and to reduce this, we
must find a way to end their lives before they begin. Yes, Sanger’s original
plan was to create a holocaust of black people. 

Abortion is not
news. It’s thousands of years old. Steven Spielberg’s “The Prince of Egypt”
illustrates this.  

Sanger’s philosophies
had fans, among them, Adolf Hitler. 

Our recall of
history tends to lean on technology, so, bear with me when I use pop culture
references for context. Motion pictures were barely 15 years old and didn’t
have sound yet when the first silent era films about abortion were made by
Universal Pictures. The Hayes Code prevented the movie industry from talking
about it directly, unless it was regarded as a moral evil, alongside divorce,
same-gender carnality and pedophilia. I am speaking of this objectively, so
bear with me. 

By the time we get
to the 1960s, women have gone back and forth from College-To The-Kitchen and
back several times, confusing most adolescent girls on what their role would be
in society as our world economy bounced back from 3 depressions and more
recessions until the US installed accountability agencies like the FTC, the
SEC, the FDIC (since the elimination of the country’s longtime corrupt national
bank) and, the brand new federal income tax system starting right before WWI. Social
Security and other government services began later – FDR’s New Deal covered a

Fast forward to the
age of television. TV makes anyone look credible. Fame begets power, and money
can follow both if sustained. Enter the “Publicity Stunt”.  

The court case of
Roe v. Wade was a publicity stunt that took an odd hop. The woman whose
pregnancy became the publicity stunt’s star witness gave birth, while women’s
rights advocates celebrated the legalization of abortion with the same energy
they once championed the right to vote in 1920. 

This resulted in
two camps forming, comparable to the post-Civil War formation of the KKK and
the ACLU, two parties engaged in conflict with the same exact sin, from
opposing lines of vision. Pro Life vs Pro Choice. “Pro Choice” doesn’t default
to death. It means “to choose.”

And thus this
Frigid War began. Whose life mattered more? The chicken or the egg?
Mom or fetus? From hereon, I am going to use the word, “baby”. One judge called
the fetus a part of the woman’s body – science has proven that idea to be
incorrect. The baby is tethered, but separate. Tow trucks are not the same
vehicle as the disabled vehicles they carry.

Science has proven
that with enough magnification, life exists upon conception. Now, I don’t agree
with a past-Pope’s decision that  condom use is an act of
pre-abortion, because one cannot predict if male fluid will find its way into a
female and cause life. Anyone who has studied the factors that go into
impregnation conclude that all pregnancies are a miracle. The odds are very
much against the egg finding a place in a womb. 

As the war of words
and lifestyle-insults carried us to where we are now, I want to utter two words
that may take on a life of their own as we step steadfastly into the

Artificial Uterus.
I don’t care what political party you identify with, those two words would
change world destiny for the better.

What if both sides
got what they needed without one effecting the other’s boundaries? 

Need we define where
“life” begins? Okay, let’s do that. We’ll use a common precedent known to most
Americans: football. 

In football,
“possession” is established when a player holds the ball and makes “a football
move”. A step, a rotating of the body or feet, something that on its own
standing, apart from whatever bang-bang play happens in the next micro-second,
is clearly observed as a “football move”. 

Life looks
different in at replay speed. If this is the rule for the almighty NFL, then by
the same rule, the baby is alive and protected by Constitution upon conception.
What would define a “football” or proactive move by a baby? How about a
heartbeat? A pulse suggests a full pulmonary system, thus ruling out the
loathsome phrase, “a lump of flesh.”

What if we had a device
that provided the same nutrients and safety that a woman’s womb provides, until
the baby is able to breath and consume nutrients on his own? (The male noun is
used for grammatical purposes.) 

Before eyes roll
and write this off as an impossibility, I want to remind you that the device
you’re reading this article on was considered science fiction in 1935. The
cartoon was called “Dick Tracy”. The Blue Baby story of 1951 was resolved in
events chronicled in HBO’s “Something The Lord Made”. Many technologies we take
for granted today were considered science fiction and an offense to some
religious folks not long ago, accusing those who discovered heart-bypass
procedures and how to fly an aircraft “playing God”. Joining God, sure, but not
replacing Him. In my experience, He delights when we attempt to do

President Kennedy’s
call to go to the moon was met with objections that space exploration was a
waste of time and money. 

Without learning
how to orbit our planet, our GPS technology would never have happened. 

Had Steven
Spielberg not challenged the capacity to shoot and edit a film by way of a
private satellite channel in 1990 (due to him being unable to be two places at
once), we not only would not have had both “Jurassic Park” and “Schindler’s
List”, the technology that gave us Google Docs would never have birthed what is
today the empire of online learning. 

As Luke Skywalker
said, “I don’t believe it,” to which his teacher replied, “That is why you

My God says by the
power of his name, All Things Are Possible. 

Thus I say yes,
these declarations of nationalized abortion laws toggled on or off by the
Courts or sitting Presidents, in DC or at the State level, are all
Constitutionally confused. 

The debate will
continue to rage on until someone in the wonderful world of science, their
minds, hearts and hands touched by the Spirit of God, ends it. Dr. Ben Carson
ended birth defects lessening the quality of life. Doctors Vivian Thomas and
Alfred Blalock ended the blue-baby epidemic by finding a way to do heart-bypass

Do not tell me what
cannot be done. 

One pastor said it
thus, “Everyone wants civil rights upheld. Nobody likes dead babies.” (Rob
McCoy, Calvary Chapel Godspeak, Newbury Park, CA).

You find a way,
America, you Child of Israel. That’s not a prayer, that’s an order.

As President
Kennedy willed us to the moon, I will us to the womb. 

This battle will
not end in court, but by the wave of a pen when a governor signs a bill into
law that supports the implementation of funding for an artificial womb. 

Lifestyle, power
and gender are all incidental. 

  This topic will
pass into history like phone booths. 

This article was
contributed to by Cory Parella, the Republican candidate of HD42. 

coryhd42@gmail.com corycolorado.us 

He wrote of future
without abortion in the 2010 novel, “Justin Time”. 

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