The Power of Forging Your Own Path: Lessons from a Mentorless Journey

The Power of Forging Your Own Path: Lessons from a Mentorless Journey

Sept. 10, 2023 — By Marla Fernandez, Activist and writeer

It was like a domino effect, and I forged my path without a mentor. I haven’t had one in over 25 years; I have people I admire like Marie Forleo, Selena Soo, and Laura Belgrey, but that’s it. Over the years, I realized that some people learn better from experience. If a mentor tells me not to put my hand on a hot stove, I’ll do it anyway because I need to know. Many people have a similar personality to mine. They place action over listening. It works — I turned out fine. At least so far, anyway.

You don’t need books, mentors, or a Ph.D. to forge your path in life. Those are all secondary to grit, communication skills, and a willingness to be different. The problem: Most people place secondary success factors first. “I need a degree to show employers I’m competent.” “I need mentors before I start my company.” “I need money to move my idea forward.” Notice the trend here? All these people sound, well, needy. Neediness is unattractive for results. What they should be saying is, “I’m going to do it anyway.” “Let’s see what happens.” You say these phrases enough times, and eventually, you get something right. That’s the personality trait that wins because life doesn’t need permission. So don’t act needy. Be a winner!

Warm Regards, Marla Fernandez

The Power of Forging Your Own Path: Lessons from a Mentorless Journey

In the journey of life, we often find ourselves seeking guidance and mentorship to navigate the twists and turns along the way. But what if you haven’t had a mentor in over 25 years? Is it possible to forge your own path and succeed without the guidance of a mentor? Marla Fernandez believes it is, and she’s living proof of this unconventional approach.

Marla’s journey has been anything but ordinary. While she admires individuals like Marie Forleo, Selena Soo, and Laura Belgrey, she hasn’t had a formal mentor for more than two decades. Instead, she’s chosen to learn through her own experiences and observations, embracing a unique perspective on personal growth and success.

Over the years, Marla has come to a profound realization: some people are wired to learn better through experience. It’s as if they need to touch the hot stove to truly understand that it’s hot. They prioritize action over passive listening, and this trait has been a driving force in her life.

Marla’s story challenges conventional wisdom about the necessity of mentors, degrees, and external validation. She argues that these factors, often considered primary markers of success, are secondary to other critical attributes. Grit, effective communication skills, and a willingness to stand out from the crowd top her list of essential qualities.

The crux of the problem, as Marla sees it, is that many people tend to place secondary success factors at the forefront of their pursuit. They may believe that they need a degree to prove their competence, that they require mentors before they can embark on their entrepreneurial journey, or that they must secure funding before pursuing their innovative ideas. In her view, these individuals come across as needy, and neediness rarely attracts the results they seek.

Instead of waiting for permission or validation, Marla encourages a different mindset: “I’m going to do it anyway.” She believes in the power of taking action, of diving into the unknown with the attitude of “Let’s see what happens.” It’s a philosophy she’s lived by, and it has propelled her towards success in her unique journey.

Marla Fernandez embodies a personality trait that consistently wins in the game of life because it understands that life doesn’t require permission slips. So, her message to all aspiring individuals is clear: Don’t act needy; be a winner!

In a world where mentors and degrees are often touted as prerequisites for success, Marla’s story serves as a powerful reminder that forging your own path, driven by determination and a thirst for experience, can lead to remarkable achievements. Life doesn’t always follow a predetermined script, and sometimes, it’s those who dare to break away from the mold who discover their true potential. So, take a page from Marla’s book and embrace the journey with courage and curiosity. Success might just be waiting for you where you least expect it.

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