Unmasking the Board’s Dance: Navigating Education with Constitutionally Spirited Finesse

Unmasking the Board’s Dance: Navigating Education with Constitutionally Spirited Finesse

Sept. 10. 2023 — Marla Fernandez, Activist and Writer

The Board’s Role: A Lively Exploration!

You see, here’s the thing: the board seems to have a little confusion about their gig.

Sure, they do their thing for their constituents, but hey, let’s set the record straight: their true allegiance rests with the Constitution.

Now, hold onto your hats, because all those folks in office, they took an oath – a promise with some oomph. They pledged to have the Constitution’s back. Yep, that means not just any Constitution, but the Colorado State Constitution and the one that started it all, the US Constitution. And hey, while they’re at it, they’re also supposed to give a nod to Parent Rights – that’s a biggie.

So, listen up, here’s the scoop on their to-do list:

  1. Syncing Up the Vision: Picture this – the board’s vision should mirror the dreams and wishes of the good folks of Denver. It’s like they’re the ambassadors of the people’s dreams, channeling those aspirations into rule-making mojo for the district.
  2. Superintendent Supervisor Extraordinaire: Yep, the superintendent’s like the conductor of this education orchestra. But who’s watching that baton wave? You guessed it, the board. They make sure the superintendent’s dance aligns with the people’s groove. If the beat veers into unconstitutional territory, the superintendent’s gotta bust a move to set things right.
  3. Curriculum Command: Think of the board as the curriculum DJs – they’re spinning the tunes that the students dance to academically.
  4. Textbook Titans: Textbooks – those silent mentors of the classroom. The board gets to choose these guiding lights for the next generation.
  5. Giving the State Board a Nudge: When the Colorado State Board isn’t staying true to the Constitution’s vibes, the local board’s got their back – pushing ’em back into constitutional alignment.
  6. Taking Legislators to Task: If those state legislators cook up laws that don’t jive with the Constitution, the board’s on duty, letting ’em know it’s a no-go.
  7. Mayor and Governor Check: Oh, executive overreach, you cheeky thing. The mayor and governor might sometimes cross into legislative territory. Fear not, the board’s ready to give ’em a polite but firm reminder of the rules.
  8. Champions of Education Know-How: The board doesn’t just wing it; they’re like education explorers, digging into the philosophies and spreading the good word to voters, teachers, principals, and parents alike.

So there you have it, a lively rundown of what the board’s all about. Time for them to shine, channeling that constitutional spirit and keeping our education landscape vibrant and true. Let’s give ’em a round of applause! 🎉

The Teacher’s Union: Holding No Sway!

  1. Here’s the thing: they can toss suggestions like confetti. Just suggestions, mind you!
  2. But, oh boy, your allegiance? It’s not pledged to the teacher’s union.
  3. What’s really on your plate? It’s all about giving a hearty salute to parent rights. Let’s keep the respect alive!

Navigating the Power Game: Your Playbook!

  1. Think of executive limitations like those velvet ropes at a party – they’re there to make sure the Superintendent doesn’t pull a power move on parents, teachers, or schools. We’ve got limits sprinkled across American governance, and every level’s gotta dance to the Constitutional beat. The executive can play rule enforcer, but only following the board’s choreography. And hey, if the board leaps too far, the executive’s got their dance moves ready to rein ’em in.
  2. Let’s get one thing straight – your allegiance isn’t moonlighting for the teacher’s union.
  3. Now, here’s your calling: giving parent rights a salute that’s heard from miles away.
  4. Time for a power check: UN Laws? Nope, they’re not pulling rank in America. The UN? They’re just visitors, no governing badge here.
  5. Superintendent, here’s the memo – your ticket doesn’t include a detour into legislation territory. The board’s got the golden key to education rule-making, all while keeping the check-and-balance tango in motion.
  6. Brace yourself, because parental rights are like the crown jewels – fundamental rights bestowed by a higher power. And no one, absolutely no one, gets to swipe those.
  7. In case you’re wondering, the Immunities or Privilege clause? It’s got the board’s name all over it. State Constitution? It’s a parental rights clarifier, no doubt about it. Parents? They’re the front-row VIPs in this show. And their property rights? Well, their kids are like the cherished family heirlooms.
  8. Government, listen up – parental rights are off-limits. Parents? They’re the rockstars representing their kids, and the government? No backstage passes for trying to step in.
  9. Teachers? They’re the trusty sidekicks, secondary educators who know the score – they can’t hijack parental rights.
  10. So, you following the groove now? Or should I shimmy out a different explanation?

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