Reevaluating Our Values: The Shifting Landscape of Education and Government Control

Reflections in a Changing World: Faith, Homeschooling, and the Shift in Education

“Reflections in a Changing World: Faith, Homeschooling, and the Shift in Education”

By Marla Benavides
Political Activist & Education Leader

In today’s world, the impact of COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down. Passover and Holy Eucharist celebrations have been confined to our homes, and many have turned this quarantine into a period of reflection, akin to a retreat during Lent. As a Catholic, this challenging event has deepened my faith and reinforced my commitment to homeschooling.

Amidst this chaos, our education system is also undergoing a transformation. The direction of education is becoming clearer than ever, with classrooms evolving into sanctuaries for vulnerable students.

What does this mean? It signifies a trend towards socializing our schools. Instead of focusing solely on teaching children essential skills like reading, writing, and mathematics, schools are increasingly providing financial, mental, and moral support to our children. The government’s role is expanding as it seeks to take on a larger role in raising our children, raising questions about parental competence.

Rather than teachers fostering a love for learning, they are assuming clinical roles. Contrary to the belief that homes are places of chaos, this perspective suggests otherwise. Woodrow Wilson’s vision of freedom, aimed at countering big business control, inadvertently led to increased government control, resulting in challenges like poverty and chaos within our homes.

“In 1913, Wilson addressed Congress with a powerful message: ‘We must eliminate all forms of privilege and artificial advantage, empowering businessmen and producers to become efficient, cost-effective, and enterprising leaders in global competition—superior workers and merchants on the world stage.'”

President Wilson, a scholar of great influence, possessed remarkable communication skills and a vision for a utopian ideal. However, his pursuit of making things cheaper has left a legacy of increased living costs and greater challenges in achieving the American dream today.

The high cost of living has made it harder for families to thrive, with many individuals toiling tirelessly for their financial security. This has led to less time spent with children, raising concerns about family bonds.

In today’s fast-paced world, as students with learning gaps find themselves stuck at home, there is a risk of filling their time with entertainment rather than educational activities. Parents have an essential role to play in connecting with their children and emphasizing the blessings of being together at home.

During this challenging time, the learning gaps among students, especially in reading, are likely to widen. Some may question the importance of schoolwork as they witness their parents’ hardships and increased family responsibilities. While this can foster personal growth and moral character, it’s important to understand why many families are facing chaos at home.

The root cause lies in poverty, where individuals work tirelessly to meet financial obligations, leaving little for survival. The government’s role in this financial struggle is significant, and it’s not the fault of the students or their families. The focus should not be solely on academic work; these students are entrenched in a daily battle for survival, caught in the rat race.

The sudden onset of the pandemic caught us all off guard, emphasizing the need to prioritize family life. Love thrives in the family, a love that schools cannot replicate. Inequity arises because schools have assumed a role as the primary influence, overshadowing the values and beliefs of families. This abrupt shift exposes the government’s desire to take control of parental rights.

Parents, don’t succumb to fear; it’s not from God. The government may want you to be afraid, but resist it. Woodrow Wilson, despite good intentions, ushered in changes that deviated from our founding principles. Unlike Wilson, Trump, a successful businessman and family man, has different qualities as a leader.

Wilson’s expansion of government through taxation exacerbated the wealth gap, and today’s political landscape, with Democrats and Republicans divided by progressivism, further complicates our nation. We must fight for freedom from government control and interference. Our wealth as a nation lies in our ability to create it independently, free from government constraints.

Republicans must unite and avoid factionalism to protect our freedoms, which stem from being a nation “Under God.” If we abandon this foundation, we risk losing our freedom.

Woodrow Wilson introduced a new concept of freedom, one that Democrats still admire today. However, it has made us less free as it diverged from Thomas Jefferson’s vision of an ideal republic. Our path forward should lead us back to the ideal republic we once envisioned.

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