Oh… My goodness! Am I dreaming?

As I sit here to write to you, I’m wishing and dreaming of UBAM Convention.
I’ve been going to convention every year since 2016.
But this year was a bit different. I felt like Usborne Home Office really spoke to me.
Last week, I embarked to paradise. (Yes, Tulsa is a bit of paradise for all of us book ladies). And boy, do I 💗 hangin’ with book lady peeps.
As you know, Isaac was not very happy. He got to go once. And even he felt the magic that happens at convention every year.
But this year was a bit different. And I told Isaac, sorry but this year, I need a mommy break or vacay. 🍹
See… this past school year, was one of the hardest school years for me. For my dad passed away. In the mist of mourning his death, I had a foreign exchange student from Germany, too. Yup, I signed up to host an entitled 16 year old last year. The first 3 month back from Miami, in August 2018, were horrible! I thought it would be fun and educational for my son to have a 16 year old sister live with us. But little did I know of the time and energy it would take me to adjust to a 16 year old living with us. And with my emotions out of wack. I didn’t have that energy.
It was almost impossible to reason with her. And she kept trying to push my buttons. I’m extremely patient and my buttons aren’t pushed very easily.
To top it off, I homeschool my son. So half the time I went to community, my mind wasn’t even there. And when my mind is not focused. We’ve problems.
I shook my head as I looked at the calendar last week, and I was bursting with excitement!
“How in the heck is it time for convention already?” Felt like I was just at Convention 2018 learning to “Be Brilliant”– And BAM! 2019 Convention is here.
If you’ve felt like this year came and went, in a flash, you’re not alone.
I’ve got a plate full of goals for this year. And Convention time is a time to revisit your goals and get motivated for the coming year.
Convention is where you go to be refreshed and hang with other ladies with dreams similar to your own and learn from each other.
But even amidst a ton of activity, it’s important to pause, check-in with yourself and make sure you’re on track. And UBAM Convention is the time of the year when you can absolutely take that pause and unwind from the hustle and bustle of life.
Here are 2 simple questions to ask:
  1. What’s the most important goal or project you set out to accomplish this year?
  2. Are you making the progress you hoped for?
If yes, celebrate and RECOMMIT to crossing that finish line. If not, what’s the one thing you need to change in order to re-calibrate? Do you need to redefine your goal or do you need to adjust how you’re spending your time?
We all get off track, so this isn’t about beating yourself up. You’re working so hard. You’ve had so many things “pop up” that were unexpected (am I right?!?!).
But even amidst all that, you have the power to readjust and make a positive change. Your goals and dreams matter. Don’t let life’s unexpected curve-balls, or our distraction-prone world take you too far off course.
This Convention was more than special. Because it helped me rethink my goals and get excited for the year.
I got this, you got this, my friend. 🙂
Whether it’s a big or little change that you need to make, now is the perfect time. ✨
I want to share some tid bits of my visit. Here is Sally Rippins. Yes! Sally Rippins was at convention and I got my copy of Dolly and Buster signed by her. Our family’s favorite author.
It took 2 or 3 hours to get her signature and take this picture.
She’s brilliant. Sweet. And writes engaging books kids love.
Sally Rippins talked about how her son came home from school one day. Sad. Because
The kids at school teased him. And Sally wrote her first book series Billie B. Brown.
Then her son urged his mum to write Hey Jack series because Jack is rather selfish.
And I got my book signed by her!
Get your copy this fall when it’s out!
I also got to meet this beautiful lady. Do you know who she is?
Her name is Paula Carter. Her son Scott Carter died of cancer at 11 yrs of age in 1979.
She started the Scott Carter Foundation in his honor. When you buy a Cuddle Bear book and reading buddy plush, you are supporting cancer research. And helping to end childhood cancer.
I’m not one who normally cries but her story made me cry.
So if you’re one with a philanthropic heart, shop for Cuddle Bear Book & plush. And share this book with others.
A portion of the proceeds from Cuddle Bear is donated to the Scott Carter Foundation. To help find a cure for cancer.
The book and Plush is only $25 and most of the profits are donated to the Scott Carter foundation. Click cuddlebearandplus and get your copy today!
I also got to give Peter Usborne a hug.
And meet Penny. Do you know who she is?
Penny Tyler is the director of editing at Usborne publishing company.
She reads every book. And gives the go ahead to publish or not.
She’s been with Usborne for 44 years.
That never happens anymore!
You don’t get to live that long anymore and stay with the same company.
Usborne Publishing Co and Usborne Books & More are company’s that care about their employees— when you join, you’re joining for longevity because your goals and dreams meet up with the company’s goals and dreams.
If you’re kids aren’t buying books with the balloon on top… their missing out.
Our books are the best in world!
Penny then received her tiara. She deserves it for longivity.
Shop for the balloon 🎈 on top to get top quality children’s books:
Then I learned something epic.
It’s epic. It really is! I discoved that my sons favorite tv show, You vs Wild! (we stream line it on netflix) is the one and only Bear Grylls. This interactive show is also one of our line of chapter books, and activity books. Now that was epic. Epic because I was sitting in my chair at convention, and I was like…
Earth to Marla! (A DUH! moment for me) 😂
Have you had those, my friend?
I dub the show in Spanish so my son has to read and interact in Spanish. You vs Wild is one of those shows that your kids isn’t just sitting there and chewing gum watching tv.
Almost done. Promise.
UBAM loves empowering us.
Every year, UBAM reveals the next trip we all will take.
Next year, if we qualify. I need 50,000 points to take my whole family.
I love Hawaii! We’ve been going every year since before my son was born. Since 2009. Except for the last 2 years.
Which means I have to put more books in the hands of children to qualify. Will you help me qualify for this trip, Marla ?
Would you be interested in impacting literacy and receiving free books?
Hit the reply and say yes, Marla! I want to help you take your family to Hawaii.
If you want to take a look at facebook party video, Join my summer reading challenge on facebook and watch my video.
Never underestimate the power of a TIARA!
I love all the book ladies and UBAM is definitely my community. I feel welcomed and appreciated by all the ladies I work with.
Two book ladies let me borrow their tiara’s.
Impacting literacy one child at a time and empowering women to be more than they thought they could be is what UBAM does for us.
Would you like one, Marla ?
Lastly, UBAM is offering a great deal this month – You can join our wonderful community of book ladies for only $30!
You can definitely do this, Marla .
Because there are no minimums. UBAM offers the most flexibility and freedom to reach whatever your goal in life.
And even if you decide the business isn’t for you. You get 5 books valued at $50 for only $30. These are yours to keep for your family.
There is absolutely no pressure to do the business. And many of the book ladies (most are teachers, homeschool moms, stay-at-home moms, working moms, and people like you and me) who join, join to get the discounts.
And then, they take a chance and discover a world of possibility.
Would you like to impact literacy and make extra money on the side? If your answer is YES! Then click the button and apply today.
Don’t I look pretty?
I want one. Will you be there with me next year as I get one for inspiring, informing and giving others the opportunity of a lifetime?
UBAM mission is:
It is becoming a cliché that every year our Convention is declared to have been better than the last one, and this year is no exception. From the number of attendees to the decorations in the Cox Business Center, the outstanding speakers and the wrap-up with our local band, this Convention had a different feel and enthusiasm than previous Conventions.
I would love to be there with you next year.
This man-Randall Randall White is brilliant. He is the ceo of UBAM.
UBAM has impacted my life in more ways than one.
It’s given me the confidence to homeschool and teach my child to READ. And it has allowed me to be in community with other ladies.
I never thought I could make friends at my age. I’m 46 going on 47. And the friendships I’ve gained from being with UBAM has impacted my life; UBAM has allowed my son to have the library I never had growing up.
I am forever a UBAM girl! My mission in life is to empower, inspire, and motivate other women to live the life they dream.
You can do this, my friend. I believe in you.
My son comes to me and says: (after grandma put his dog in dog cage for 5 minutes for chewing up her shoe completely—lo despedazo. Lo hizo papilla)
son: Mami we don’t need to put biscuits in a cage to discipline her.
Me: no? How do you know?
Son: It’s in my book
Me: really? Which one? Can you bring it to me?
Son: (leaves to go get it)
Can you guess what book he brought?
If you guess correctly, I’ll give you a free book worth $10. (on my nickel). Click the link under the picture of my husband playing star wars with my son.
Whether it’s a big or little change that you need to make, now is the perfect time. ✨
Happy Independence Day!
P.S. Heads up — I’m doing a contest Find the book that gave my son insight into caring for his dog I will announce the winner at the end of the month, so please join summer reading challenge group and comment in the post which book it is that gave him insight.

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