“Rethinking Education: Empowering Parents and Teachers to Shape the Future”

"Rethinking Education: Empowering Parents and Teachers to Shape the Future"

Sept. 9, 2023 — Marla Fernandez

In a commentary by Van Schoales on Education Week, Mr. Schoales titles his opinion the end of education reform.

Why It’s Not the End

The Need for Bottom-Up Reform

My thought was: now why is this the end?

Now is the time to reform education from the bottom up! Government has no business meddling in the education of your kids.

Defunding the NEA

It is time the NEA is defunded. They’ve done enough to damage. Now we must demand government step down and end the U.S. Department of Education and return education back to local control where parents and teachers, those closest to the students, can decide what is taught.

Government’s Role in Education

What the h.e.double hockey sticks is Washington doing in our education? They are so far removed from your kids’ lives that they can’t even begin to understand what works best.

Empowering Teachers

Every teacher can and should design the curriculum that best fits his or her students.

The State of Education

Functional Illiteracy

The fact that high school graduates are functionally illiterate should make you question what the h.e.double hockey sticks public schools are providing.

Challenges of Progressive Education

The era of progressive education is not over. The Marxist keep pressing on at a faster pace than I can write or think. They keep progressing. This pervasive movement in America is responsible for many things like, eliminating our American tradition to unjustified extremes. The progressive movement is the reason we are leaving kids behind.

Progressive Influences

Moreover, I wonder where this commentator got his facts about Denver, New Orleans, and DC. Fuzzy math? Last I checked only 34% of students in Denver are proficient in reading by 4th grade.

Moving Forward

Federal Government’s Role

Moving forward, don’t dwell on not having federal government support. Why is the federal government involved anyways?

Balancing Education

What we need now is for educators to put balance back into education, i.e., the goal of education should be “to make good judgments, both formal and informal, determinate reflective.”

Teaching Methods

The Need for Phonics First

Success will only be achieved when we can bring back PHONICS FIRST method and scrap the Whole word/Look-and-Say method.

Consequences of Progressivism

The Indoctrination Effect

Let me tell you where we made progress. We made progress in indoctrinated four generations and dumbing them down. And we have also created a society where everyone is an expert, but no one is truly knowledgeable at anything. We have given girls the opportunity in courses open only to boys but are leaving our boys behind.

Challenges and Solutions

Literacy Disparities

In Denver, half of all Hispanics read proficiently by the time they graduate. Denver pushes its kids to read by kindergarten! It’s worse for black children. 75% of all black children read below average. But 85% of blacks and whites graduate from high school.

Prioritizing the Basics

We need to go back to a curriculum that provides children the basics while still giving students the opportunities be American. Mastery of the basics should be the top priority!


Empowering Parents and Teachers

We should avoid extremes! Stuff like Equity is a U.N. ideal. Things like reimaging education and focusing on the stakeholders is a World Economic Forum ideal based on The Great Reset and Biden’s unoriginal “Build Back Better” campaign slogan.

Collaboration with Parents

Parent have the inalienable right to raise their children in the way they should go. Teachers must collaborate with parents on teaching children. Government is immoral. Maybe we should cancel all of government.

Taking Action

But I agree with Van, whatever we do we need to work with teachers and help students learn the basics with their parents’ help.

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Best regards,


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