Nurturing Grit: A Journey Towards Lifelong Learning

Nurturing Grit: A Journey Towards Lifelong Learning

Dear Friends,

In the grand tapestry of life, one thread stands out prominently: grit. It’s that remarkable quality that propels us forward when the path is uncertain, when the rewards aren’t immediate, and when the challenges seem insurmountable. Teaching our children to embrace grit is not merely a lesson; it’s a cornerstone of character-building. But let’s not stop there; let’s explore the depths of grit and discover when it becomes truly invaluable.

Defining Grit: We often hear about grit in the context of working hard despite not knowing why. But I believe there’s more to it than meets the eye. Grit isn’t just about effort; it’s about having the courage, resolve, and unwavering determination to pursue a goal, knowing precisely why it matters. It’s about understanding our purpose, a purpose that transcends mere existence and beckons us to serve others.

The Purpose-Driven Path: Why do we wake up every day and go to work or pursue our passions? Why do we do what we do? These questions should form the foundation of our educational journey. We ought to teach our children that they have a purpose in this world—an individual mission to serve others and, in return, receive the blessings of a higher power, whatever that higher power means to each of us.

Grit and the Republic: Grit is not just a personal virtue; it’s the lifeblood of our Republic. Our public schools are not meant to mold conformity but to nurture literate adults capable of critical thinking, safeguarding our life, liberty, and property. We must instill independence, freedom of thought, and the unwavering perseverance to overcome obstacles. Every child should emerge as a reader and a lifelong learner, ready to explore the world through the lens of knowledge.

A Flawed Blueprint: However, something seems awry in our education system. What has shifted to create the challenges we face today? These questions deserve our attention. Our current educational approach seems to lack a cornerstone, leaving us with a fragile structure that crumbles in despair all too easily.

A Call for Change: To mend this fragile structure, we need parents and educators with grit, willing to dive deep into the root causes of our educational challenges. Criticizing the system is not enough; we must offer positive alternatives. And here, the concept of classical education emerges as a beacon of hope.

Integrating Knowledge: In the classical education paradigm, students are not isolated within the confines of individual subjects. Instead, they are encouraged to see the interconnectedness of all knowledge, where science and language, history and philosophy, art and reason weave together to deepen our understanding of the world. It’s about acknowledging that we live in a universe, not a multiverse, governed by a higher authority.

The True Quest: While some may advocate for tolerance above all, it’s essential to focus on training well-prepared minds. Beyond imparting core knowledge, classical education prepares students for a lifelong adventure of learning by nurturing their ability to think critically.

In closing, let’s embrace grit, purpose, and the unity of knowledge in our educational journey. Let’s mold a generation of thinkers, explorers, and lifelong learners. Remember, you have a unique gift that only you possess. Keep showing up, stay courageous, and share your creative heart with the world.

With all my love,

Marla Fernandez 

PS: As Marie Forleo wisely says, “It really does need that special gift that ONLY you have!”

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